Own Your Eating

FFT EP 1 - Cultivating a Positive Mindset & Building Confidence



As part of our mission to bring you even more valuable content on all things related to leading a healthy lifestyle, this episode is the first in a new series under the Own Your Eating Podcast, called "Food for Thought". Or FFT for short. Each episode will be quick and to the point and probably under 20 minutes. The perfect length for you to enjoy while you stretch or have your quiet time on the throne. Hit us up if you have a conversation starter you'd love to hear our thoughts on!  Quickie Episode for you all about self-confidence and improving your perspective on your own self-worth.  "Imposter Syndrome" is common amongst coaches and educators. Particularly as a coach, often you might feel there is a discrepancy between "walking the walk" and "talking the talk". For example, you might believe you're a terrible runner like Jason, or be horrified by the thought of any workout with a barbell like Roz. But that doesn't preclude you from being an amazing coach with the ability to coach someone else ef