Soul Sayers

In The Garden



Did you know the Bible is one of the juiciest books you'll ever read? Maybe your experience has been it's been used to tell you what wretched mess you are. But the scriptures are about the possibilities for your LIFE! How to live, how to grown, how to be better. The Bible is a LIFE book - everyday life, spiritual life, and yes, eternal life.  We've been spending some time figuring out why we have internal struggles, looking for the origins and this timeless book has some answers. And they're not what you may think. So grab a seat and a notebook and take a listen. We're picking up on last week's show and building a foundation for life. Not rules, not condemnation and fault finding - but life, love, purpose, and understanding. All are welcome! You do not have to practice any particular religion, in fact, this isn't about religion at all. Let's call it a search for Truth! Soul Sayers Website FB and IG Email me!