Empowered By Iron

Your Value is Not the Weight on the Bar - Episode 141



2020 aside, you’ve likely been caught up in comparison-itis and have based your value as a person on a number (either a number on the bar or on the scale). Now throw 2020 into the mix and we’ve got quite a conundrum on our hands. Well, in today’s episode, we talk about not putting your worth, as a person, in the weight on the bar or a number on the scale. We talk about work ethic and letting that being your guiding light. Enjoy!   Sign up for the Female Strength Academy Membership & join LIVE us for our weekly seminars/podcast recordings: https://femalestrengthacademy.com/product-category/membership/   Check out our nutrition coaching: Fiercely Fueled Nutrition Coaching - Online nutrition coaching for strength and functional fitness athletes. Coached by our own Dr. Kristin Lander, DC, CISSN. https://www.fiercelyfueled.com/purchase.html Intuitive Athlete Nutrition Coaching - Online intuitive eating nutrition coaching for female strength athletes. Coached by Dr. Mary Morton, PhD, CISSN.   Follow us on Ins