Empowered By Iron

Metabolism: What's the Deal? - Episode 142



Today we talk all about metabolism! We discuss what your metabolism is, how cutting affects it, how to repair it, and why quick, hard cuts to make weight for a meet get more difficult with each attempt. Enjoy!   Sign up for the Female Strength Academy Membership & join LIVE us for our weekly seminars/podcast recordings: https://femalestrengthacademy.com/product-category/membership/   Check out our nutrition coaching: Fiercely Fueled Nutrition Coaching - Online nutrition coaching for strength and functional fitness athletes. Coached by our own Dr. Kristin Lander, DC, CISSN.  Intuitive Athlete Nutrition Coaching - Online intuitive eating nutrition coaching for female strength athletes. Coached by Dr. Mary Morton, PhD, CISSN.   Follow us on Instagram and tag us in your posts by using the hashtag #empoweredbyiron   Join our women’s only Facebook Group: https://m.facebook.com/groups/femalestrengthacademy