Triathlete Training Podcast: Triathlon, Ironman & Duathlon

TT027: Losing The Last 5 Pounds, Sodium, Hydration, Nutrition, Supplements, & More!



Subscribe via iTunes “The best time to lose weight is in the off-season when that restriction is not going to compromise energy levels as much. However, it is feasible to lose weight in the midst of training.” Author, Athlete, & Dietitian Kim Mueller Kim is the guest for episode 27.  She is a Registered Dietitian, a board certified specialist in Sports Dietetics, owner of Fuel Factor Nutrition Coaching, co-creator of and staff nutritionist at Infinit Nutrition, author of “The Athletes Guide to Sports Supplements” (Human Kinetics, 2013), and a former All-American Triathlete.  She is currently focusing on running with a goal of  qualifying for the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials in LA. Kim is a big proponent of making diet the primary component to health.  We covered a wide range of topics, including weight loss, supplements, hydration, sodium intake, caloric intake, and much more. On weight loss, Kim advises her clients to use up to 500 calories of their workout expenditure to incur a deficit for healthy fat l