Triathlete Training Podcast: Triathlon, Ironman & Duathlon

TT037: GI Distress I High Intensity Training I Heat Acclimation Benefits



Subscribe via iTunes PhD Micah Zuhl Micah is a professor at Central Michigan University and he shares his research and experience. GI Distress & Glutamine Supplementation He has published research on GI distress during intense training.  His studies have found that doses of glutamine can help prevent leaky gut and reduce the likelihood of GI distress. The oral doses used in his study were .9g per kg of fat free mass (lean body mass) per day, spread out over three doses, for a period of 7 days.  His studies on the topic were published in the Journal of Applied Physiology (Jan 15, 2014) and also Cell Stress & Chaperones (July 26, 2014). Note that their may be side effects of glutamine use. Pregnant and breast feeding women may want to avoid supplementation. WebMd list potential side effects here.  As with any supplement, take responsibility for your decisions and do proper research and consultation with your doctor in advance. High Intensity Training We also discussed the benefits of high intensity interv