Cairns Lutheran Parish

Counter cultural discipleship



I don't know about you, but I find it very easy to redefine things for myself. It's easy to redefine our situation. We're so good at redefining the parameters to suit ourselves, and it seems that we're not alone because the people in Jesus' day had much the same problem as us. In fact it goes right back to Adam and Eve in the garden and that fruit tree doesn't it, and satan saying "did God really say that you shouldn't eat from that tree... did he really say that" (redefining it). And in Jesus' day it were the religious leaders who had consistently taken the gift of the Law, which is God's commands and instructions for life, and simply missed the point. When we try to redefine God's Word, we move the goal post to where we feel comfortable so that we can feel that we're justified in our behaviour and in everything that we do. But that's not a safe place for us to be living and it's not reality. Jesus never said "take up your cross and be comfortable," but rather "take up your cross and follow me." Sometimes