Inside Independent Publishing (with Ibpa)

Ebooks: promises and pitfalls, with guest Laura Brady



Ebook production expert Laura Brady suggests ways you need to think about ebook design and creation to produce reliable and good-looking results This podcast is for anyone who is thinking of creating ebooks or hiring an ebook designer, or who has seen the ads for “ebooks made easy!” and is thinking, well, how hard could it be? Topics include: problems of ebook conversion (especially if you are using Word) there are lots of cheap ebook creators out there; are they safe? how do I plan my pbook design knowing that it will become an ebook (hint: consider avoiding drop caps!) what kinds of fonts work with ebooks? do I need to license them? what are the big issues that ebook creators are discussing these days: Kindle, design, and the future of the spec why spend a lot of time “designing” an ebook when users can just change your font and typography at the push of a button? will the ebook market continue to grow? if ebooks win do print books lose? and vice versa are better dedicated ebook readers on the way? Links