

I know you've heard the so-called "street fight stats"... "85% of all streetfights go to the ground", right? Hell, I think I've used that statistic at least a bazillion times myself... and regardless of the actual numbers, the fact is you are likely to end up on the ground in a real fight - and that's the last place you want to be! In this week's broadcast, we're joined by Damian Ross to share his most brutal tactics for surviving a ground fight and unleash Holy Hell on your attacker no matter how bad the odds may be. Here's what we have in store for you... The critical difference between "grappling" and "ground fighting"... and how one of them could get you killed unless you understand this important definition! The best ways to avoid getting trapped on the ground (and how to quickly get back on your feet if you're thrown, dragged, or tackled in close quarters! Fighting from the top - Brutal strikes that will end the fight fast! How to avoid getting stomped to death by multiple attackers when you're t