

I LOVE getting feedback and advice from our podcast listeners and our blog, magazine, and facebook fans and readers. I always learn so much from YOUR experiences and training tips so we decided to take 5 tactics submitted to us on our survey site at and make y'all the stars this week Here's what awaits you in this week's episode... Jeff P's (Cleveland, TN) challenge to any home-owner to find your own weak spots... before a home invader does! Michael (Greencastle, PA) has a unique bedtime ritual that some might find weird... but a home invader won't catch HIM with his pants down! Robert (Austin, TX) bets that you WON'T be able to pass this "window test"... and it will shock the hell out of you that you overlooked this major flaw in your escape plan! BONUS DOWNLOAD!  This special audio file from Kenneth B from Niagara Falls, NY will help you take your home-based gun training to the next level.  (And of course I just had to sexy it up for you a little bit more!) When an active