

When a disaster or crisis strikes, the best place for you to be is most likely going to be in your home where you and your family can wait out the threat. But if you make any one of these 5 common "shelter-in-place" mistakes, you could be in for a rude awakening... and potentially a life-or-death struggle you didn't plan well enough for. Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... A common mistake you may be making with prepping your family for a disaster.  This one is hard to un-do... so the sooner you learn this principle the better! Got food?  Good, because when the grocery store shelves go empty and all you have is the food in your cupboards, you're gonna want to avoid this big mistake that could leave you and your family starving! Think you're gonna drink out of your bathtub when the SHTF?   Think again... and follow my "magic water tricks" to pull clean, drinkable water from thin air. Get that spraypaint can ready for your "Looters Will Be Shot" sign!  (Or maybe not?) The #1 biggest mistake