

You've got the best man-stopper loaded in your gun - NOW WHAT? Too often, gun owners think that just because they have the best gun and ammo picked out that their prep ends there. Not so my friend! This week, MCS Editor, Jeff Anderson, reveals 4 little-known secrets that every true protectionist must know in order to keep their gun in tip-top share year round - and not all of it is actually about the gun itself! Here's what you'll find in this week's episode... The #1 cause of a "failure to fire" that too many gun-owners ignore (at their own peril!) Why your defensive load is still at risk (even if you keep it tucked away in a drawer or safe)! Your yearly, monthly, and weekly "maintenance plan" all laid out in step-by-step scheduling mode. The most critical factor in your on-going weapon maintenance that nearly every gun-owner gets completely wrong! (This one is truly "life or death" folks!) No matter how experienced you may be, I promise you're missing out on at least one of these critical on-going s