

Last week, my 15 y.o. son and I took a backcountry canoe trip - just dad and son - deep into the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. It was a great opportunity to not only bond with the best kiddo on the planet (ok, I'm a bit biased), but also to train him in some wilderness survival skills (such as land navigation, fire-starting, shelter-building, etc.) But sometimes the best lessons come from the mistakes we make, right? Well, this week I thought I'd share our personal story, as well as the "top 5" lessons learned from our trip... including my personal screw-ups! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode... Why good weather and ideal conditions can be your downfall when you're preparing for "go time"... and what to do NOW to save the suffering later! The "bug-out bag" mistake so many preppers make that - when fixed - can help you quickly adjust to changing conditions at a moment's notice! Metal vs. Mother Nature!  Nothing could stand in the way of the "beast" I would never leave behind..