

All it takes in one single one trip around the internet... Like any of the "tactical arts", you'll find a TON of tips, tricks based more on theory than actual experience. And top of the list? "Wilderness survival"! And this is one of those areas where - if you fall for the regurgitated b.s. floating around out there - it could do more damage than actually save your life if you were stranded in a remote area. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm NOT the ultimate expert in the best wilderness survival advice. I don't know which plants to eat... I can't catch a bear with paracord and a spork... and starting a fire by banging two rocks together has always been an exercise in futility. Sure, I'm confident I'd survive in the most remote area with what little experience I've gathered and a rock-hard will to survive. But I'd much rather lean on the real-world training and experience of the other experts within our network. That's why my friend and survival expert, Kevin Estela, is going to be joining our New Worl