

It was probably your very FIRST attempt at prepping once you got serious... ... your bug-out bag! Am I right? (Close? :-) Yet despite all the "fantasy survival b.s." you find on the internet, surviving a forced evacuation requires more than just a cool looking "battle backpack" stuffed with a case of MRE's. So what IS the best way to prepare your bug-out bag and evacuation plan to prepare for a disaster, crisis, or collapse? Well, in this week's episode, you'll hear from a nearly 29-year Green Beret who has actually HAD to bug-out to save his own life... and he has a LOT to say about the biggest mistakes most people are making! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How a real-life "escape & evasion bug-out" led this career spec-ops soldier to claim that most bug-out plans people are using are 'death traps' that could get them killed in a real disaster! Bug-out threats! What dangers lie waiting for you and your family outside your front door when you realize it's "go-time"! How to avoid