

Most people (even experienced "preppers") don't realize this... When it comes to a mass evacuation, your best odds for survival come from bugging out as a "team" - in separate vehicles. That's true whether it's you and a "mutual assistance group" (aka. "survival team")... or even if it's just you and your family. But leaving together and STAYING together are two different things, aren't they? Especially when you're locked up in bumper-to-bumper traffic... surrounded by angry, desperate citizens who will block your every move. In this week's podcast episode, tactical trainer Russ Adler, brings us some real-world lessons from the hot-zone as he shares his best tips for getting your "bug-out convoy" to safety during the mass chaos! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: "2 is 1 and 1 is none"... and how that famous survival mantra applies to your family's evacuation plan! Prepping for the road: Little-known secrets for planning your route, gear, and your family's "survival mind-set"! How to ge