

What could a combat soldier possibly know about CIVILIAN concealed carry tactics? Fair question. I mean, there's a big difference between the rules of engagement on a foreign battlefield and a criminal assault in a shopping mall parking lot, right? Well, yes... but there's a LOT the everyday Joe & Jane can learn from even the most obscure military training - IF you know where to look! In this week's podcast, I'll share 5 little-known concealed carry lessons I learned while serving as an infantryman in the U.S. Army. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: 2 ways this weird military "regulation" can save your life against a predatory (armed!) criminal! (Hint: I guarantee you're making this common mistake that gets jumped on by Drill Sergeants on DAY 1 of basic training/boot camp!) Which is more important in a self-defense shooting: Speed or Accuracy?  (My answer might surprise you!) The "ambush counterattack move" that's just as important for surviving a battle zone firefight as it is a pa