Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

133: Lighten Your Load: Being With What Is Without Getting Overwhelmed (#1 of 3)



The amplified energy, chaos, fear and angst in what is called the "collective field" affects each one of us, and in today's intense times is short circuiting us, and stirring up anxiety, anger and ache within us that 1. Isn't serving us 2. Doesn't help anyone 3. Will make us mentally foggy and physically and emotionally unwell and 4. Keeps us in reactivity mode vs. in response mode, where our power is. We just don't SEE the negative affects of the collective field until it's gotten to be TOO MUCH, and we are in overwhelm or worse, reacting from anger, anxiety and grief.  So, what do we do? We get wise. We get aware - of both the field (what it is) and our own internal triggers and warning signals of when we are being affected.  We put practices into place proactively to strenghten our magnetic field. To release the anger, anxiety and grief. To reset our systems.  And we embrace that while we do need to be AWARE of what is happening, ACKNOWLEDGE what is not okay with us, we cannot take it all on.  I am creatin