

I’m Jeff Tanner, Dean of the Strome College of Business, and this is a Strome Business Minute. The Brookings Institute is publishing a weekly economic recovery matrix that reports a metro area’s performance across a dozen measures. For each measure, Brookings reports the actual value for that metro, color-coded by how it compares to other metros of a similar size. The measures include things like business closings, unemployment, commercial real estate vacancies, multifamily rent, and air travel. Our metro area is compared to 52 others with greater than one million in population. Compared to most in our class, we’re doing pretty well, much better than Richmond for example. We’re actually among the 5 strongest for variables like business travel, multifamily rent, and small business closings, and in the next tier for jobs change and job postings. Yes, things are down but much less than in other cities. This has been a Strome Business Minute, presented by the Strome College of Business at Old Dominion University.