

I’m Jeff Tanner and this is a Strome Business Minute. I’m often asked how the stock market remains at record highs while the economy struggles. As we’ve discussed here, the stock market and economy are not the same thing – for one, when you buy stocks, you’re buying future earnings one to two years out. The market is betting on beating the pandemic, whether by a vaccine, herd immunity, or better treatment. For another reason, what you see as the market is really only a few stocks. The Dow Jones average, for example, is the average price of only thirty stocks and six of those propping up the entire market. Companies with a strong online presence are actually benefiting from the pandemic. But so are large companies are benefiting from the closure of smaller competitors who haven’t been able to weather the pandemic. Put it together, and the market stays strong. This Strome Business Minute is presented by the Strome College of Business at Old Dominion University.