Pathways To Fitness

MPP 012 - Exercise Target Stimulus and Scaling



If you've ever been involved in a race (whether competitive or leisure) you've probably experienced the phenomenon of how different the perceived difficulty of that race is based on if you know the route and what to expect, or you have no idea what to expect.  When we know what to expect and what our target is, it's amazing how much easier (even if by perception) the task is. If you've run a 5K before and you went out to walk or drive the course before the race, you'll notice that it doesn't seem quite so difficult. On the reserve side of that example, if you have no idea where you're going, if there are hills up ahead or other obstacles, you may find it harder.  In this episode we discuss the benefit of a coach or trainer giving you an idea of the target stimulus of a workout and also a target that you should be aiming for. This plays an important mental role in an athletes achievement of that intended stimulus.  We also discuss the incredible benefits of scaling a workout appropriately so you reach an inten