Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

“Are You The Driver of Your Life?..or Are You Just the Passenger??”on Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret



Have you ever found yourself on auto-pilot? Doing things that you have no idea why you're doing them? Ever feel really fricken cloudy and unclear? I (Bret) would feel really cloudy, unclear, and not present when I would work on my business, until one day I asked...."Have I hired an entity to do my business for me?" It was a big YES and then using the almost too simple tools of Talk to the Entities I cleared the entity and immediately began having fun creating my business! Whenever there's an area in your life or your body that you don't want to deal with or don't want to handle, you can bring in entities to handle it for you. It can be quite effective, but is that enough for you? Are you ready to be the driver of your life? This show is going to gift you with the awareness and tools to step up in all the areas that you may have been unwilling to until NOW... What if you claimed, owned and acknowledged who you BE in every area of your life? Would your life be MORE fun, MORE successful, and MORE of what YOU wou