Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

“Entities Choice For Embodiment…Pregnancy, Birth and Babies’ on Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret



What occurs when entities choose to come here and embody? What choices do they have and what choices do the parents have? Is conception, pregnancy and birth a co-creation between the being (entity) that is embodying and the parents who are providing the environment? Is there a way for families to be created in a more conscious and generative way?? On this show Bret will be chatting with Cara about all things baby! As a birth care provider she has been intimately involved with women and babies for over 15 years. Then she found Access and Talk to the Entities and what is really possible with this particular life event exploded into WAY MORE POSSIBILITY for her and all her clients!! P.S. One of the talents she discovered as a TTTE facilitator is that she talks to the baby beings coming to be born..are you curious about this possibility?? what questions do you have?? past..present..or future..