Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

“Confessions of a Talk to the Entities Facilitator” on Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret



This week we have the lovely Sarah Andros as a guest on the show with us! Sarah is a brand new TTTE facilitator from down under. What is this crazy thing we choose when we become TTTE facilitators? What has it created for us in our lives, our businesses, our bodies, and so much more? What have we seen it create for others? Would you like to pick ours brains and see if it is something you would like to ADD to your life?? This is the show for you!! Come and play with all three of us and explore this magical and mysterious world of entities... ~Sarah Andros has always been fascinated by anything different, and so even as a young child was willing and open to have discussions that many around her may have considered a little 'strange'. Access Consciousness and the Talk to the Entities have opened up this world for Sarah who is excited to now share it with others~