Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

Memoirs Of An Underdog ~ Megan & Suzanne



Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Most of us love a good underdog story. The coming from behind, against all odds kind of tale. Come on, you’ve watched that movie a hundred times! The runner who falls only to finish the race first. The kid who grows up in the ghetto only to one day own his own record label. And boy, do we have fun playing that out in our own lives; especially the phoenix rising out of the burned ashes. So the good news is we have been able to beat all the odds…but…what if that story has run its course? What if instead of being the underdog, we could now create from our potencies? What if we didn’t have to stage ourselves as coming from behind? What would we be capable of creating if we were truly willing to use the advantages we’ve been given and be the OVER-Dog instead of the underdog? Come play with us this Wednesday at 10am MST as we make a game board leap to a whole new world living. What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a st