Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ Megan Sillito & Suzanne Stauffer

Is there Money in Your DNA? ~ Megan & Suzanne



Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show Did you know that most of your DNA is junk? Well that’s at least what traditional science calls it. Quantum Physics says this ‘junk” is the key to profound capacities and abilities heretofore untapped by humanity. Have you ever felt that there might be a millionaire or billionaire lying dormant in you, just waiting for the chance to come out and show you what you are capable of? As coaches, we see that when our clients feel handicapped in an area of their life it is most often because they actually have a genius in that area. So, if you’ve ever thought you were “bad” at money…this is the show for you. Are you ready to unlock the financial superpower in your junk DNA that is just waiting to be activated? Won’t you join us this Wednesday at 10am MST as we TAP the junk that will make you RICH! ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ What if you really can have it all? No–really? What if everything you THINK you desire is only a starting point for the life you are tru