Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

Animals as Teachers…Receiving the Energy of Reiki ~ Guest Caly Lerher



Are you or your animal looking for energetic healing? What is energetic healing? What is Reiki? What other energetic modalities are available? What would the animals in our lives like us to know about Reiki and energetic healing? Join me and my special guest Caly Lerher for a fun and informational hour on energy and how it can change your pets’ lives. Caly Lehrer is an Animal  Reiki Master/Teacher & a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness® Caly is an Intuitive Coach guided by Spirit to lead her clients to Peace of Heart and Peace of Mind.  She shares an array of services with her clients worldwide…both humans and animals.  Some of the services she shares are:  Various Energetic Modalities (including Reiki); Chakra Balancing; Animal Communication; Angelic Connections; Coaching Sessions; House Clearings and more.   A resident of Colorado, Caly travels the country to teach classes/workshops. You can read more about Caly and Peace-By-Peace at: www.PeaceByPeace.net and you can email her directly at Info@