Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

HELP….My Dog is Neurologic?!?! Guest Dr. Rachel Eken DC, CVSMT



My dog is having trouble walking and my vet said he was neurologic?!?! What does this mean for my dog? What treatments can I use with my vet’s care?  Can chiropractic care be a contribution? Join me and Dr. Eken as we de-mystify “neurologic” and what that can mean for your dog and just how much chiropractic care can contribute to changing that for your dog with ease… Rachel Eken is thrilled to be able to serve the human and ANIMAL chiropractic  community of Colorado Springs, CO.  As a native Wisconsinite, I vow never to take the beautiful mountains for granted. Throughout my time at chiropractic school, I developed a much deeper understanding of chiropractic, and true health and wellness that can be achieved without drugs and surgery. I learned from some of the best doctors in the field, but the most influential experience during my time at there was my Clinic Abroad trip to Morocco in October of 2013.  It was such an honor and a blessing to be able to serve such amazing people that don’t have the healthcare