

Purebred or Mutt? Adopt or Buy? Is it true we have an animal overpopulation in the US? What is the ASPCA and Humane Societies doing about this issue? Where does PETA and NAIA “fit” in? How are the local animal shelters and rescues contributing? Do the animals have choice in all realms? Feeling a bit conflicted? Looking for some space and a very different point of view…come join me on this radio adventure and see what we could change for the animals in our lives and for the planet. Empowering people to know what they know about their animals. Dr. Andi works with the energy/force/information in animals bodies to allow for magical changes that are possible for each one.  This information allows owners to make different choices about the care of their animals from puppy classes to yearly vaccinations and to senior care and beyond. What if their is a time and a place for every kind of treatment from homeopathy to energy work  to surgical intervention to traditional medicine to diet changes? With the current shift