Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

Eye of the Tiger ~ Dr. Andi’s World



Dr. Andi's World Radio Show The title and "being challenged" came to me as I was belting out the now, oldie but goody, Eye of the Tiger by Survivor, in the car one recent afternoon. Do your animals crumble under pressure? Do they revert to old behaviors when challenged? What do you choose when stressed....old, familiar, unhealthy patterns? What will it take to change all this for you and your animals? What will it take to rise up to the challenge and BE the eye of the tiger? Sign Up for your Pawsitive Possibilities Subscription and receive your personal recording of clearings from the shows for each month for $5 ~  http://bit.ly/PawsitivePossibilitiesSignUp They will be delivered to your inbox around the 5th of the month.  How does it get Even more fun?! ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator. She is the owner and operato