Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

Aggressive Dog Owners Anonymous ~ Dr. Andi Harper



Dr. Andi's World Radio Show Do you own an aggressive dog? Are you ashamed and hide your dog away from the world? Are you working through it with training? Are you wondering what you did wrong? Are you afraid it can never be fixed? Do you consider putting your dog down due to his aggressive behavior? If any of this touches on what you are going through, this may be the show for you. And what if, changing the energy that locks this into place is where things can shift and change for you and your dog? Sign Up for your Pawsitive Possibilities Subscription and receive your personal recording of clearings from the shows for each month for $5 ~  http://bit.ly/PawsitivePossibilitiesSignUp They will be delivered to your inbox around the 5th of the month.  How does it get Even more fun?! Join Dr. Andi for her 1-day class Energetic Magic with Animals on Saturday, August 17th!  Spend a day with Dr. Andi and the animals, in beautiful Golden, Colorado!  Get the details, here - http://bit.ly/EnergeticMagicwithAnimals-Aug17