Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

Know When To Fold Them ~ Dr. Andi’s World



Dr. Andi's World Radio Show You could say life is like a poker game - you play the cards you are dealt.  And like the song says; you gotta know when to hold them and know when to fold them.  Folding doesn’t make you a quitter, it just means you start again in the next round. Not every hand is a winning hand, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun playing the game.  Join Dr. Andi for this exploration of doing what it takes to stay in the game of life. * Sign-Up for the Special Event with Dr. Andi * Free Zoom Call ~ Tuesday, February 11th ~ Does Your Animal Really Love You? http://bit.ly/DoesYourAnimalReallyLoveYou-SignUp ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode - http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion   ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator. She is the owner and operat