Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

Conscious Carnivores ~ What Are You Scared Of? ~ Dr. Andi’s World



Dr. Andi's World Radio Show Are you wanting to change your pet’s diet, but hesitating to choose it?... What are you scared of?  Are you afraid it will be too much work? Are you afraid your Veterinarian will be unhappy with you?  Are you afraid someone will think you are a pet food snob? Join Dr. Andi for this episode of the Conscious Carnivores series, as she shares some information to help you feel empowered to make changes in your pet’s diet and more confident in choosing what works best for your animal. ** Ask Dr. Andi ~ share your question with Dr. Andi and she will answer it on a future episode – http://bit.ly/AskDrAndi-YourQuestion ~ More Dr. Andi's World ~ A CHANGE-agent of magnitude for the animals of the world. Dr. Andi Harper is an internationally acclaimed animal communicator, certified animal chiropractor and Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator. She is the owner and operator of a thriving practice, Animal Magic Care, based in Golden, CO. With a global animal communication/facilitation  busi