Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

Into The Spirit World – Recording of Life Between Lives Regression



Afterlife TV: Because I promised in the last episode that I'd play this next, this week’s show from the vault is a rare recording of an actual Life-Between-Lives regression. In fact, it’s my wife, Melissa’s, extraordinary experience that is something you can enjoy a few times over and get something new out of it each time—it’s that amazing. Not only will this episode give you a sense of peace and hope, there’s so much spiritual insight and wisdom conveyed in Melissa's 'journey into the spirit world' that you’ll feel like you grew spiritually simply by witnessing it. I hope you gain as much as I did from hearing it and find yourself feeling better about life at the end. Would love to hear what you take away from this otherworldly experience. Not only is this Melissa’s regression experience, the photos in the video are taken by her as well. Sending you so much love you’ll need a designated driver, Bob Olson and  Important note: Because I removed the pauses, it might 'appear' tha