Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

How Purity Culture Damages Women’s (and Men’s) Sexuality ~ Guest Aideen T. Finnola



Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Welcome to the Feminine Potency Series.  This week we have Guest Aideen T. Finnola , life coach, public speaker, and author.  During this show Christine and Aideen will speak to issues of how purity cultures damage both women and men's sexuality.  This conversation is sure to be provocative, uncomfortable at times and expanding one's points of view. Aideen T. Finnola is an unapologetic and empowered survivor of and thriver after physical, emotional, psychological, and religious abuse. For the first two decades of her life, she was raised by abusive parents who were zealous members of a religious cult; for the second two decades of her life, she was unsuspectingly married to a closeted gay man who was emotionally and psychologically abusive. Today, she is a practicing Martha Beck-trained life coach, public speaker, and author. She coaches and speaks all over the world, teaching others how to reclaim their lives by transmuting their pain into empowerment. She sp