What Else With Laurie Laursen

365 Days of Gratitude



Last week I began a year long challenge to post something on Facebook that I am grateful for.  I am calling it #365 Days of Gratitude. Last year I choose to post '100 days of happy' posts. It was an interesting challenge as not everyday did I feel like I had something happy to post about. And it was a great way to stretch me out of my comfort zone and look for even the smallest thing to be happy about. It also kept me out of the autopilot that can occur so easily, and forget to be happy or grateful for the smallest of things in my life.  This year I am choosing to post something I am grateful for,  for 365 days in order to grow my gratitude and my awareness of how much more I can be grateful for!! I have also opened a Facebook group for anyone who desire to join me at any point along the journey!  #365daysofgratitude Join me on my show as I talk about the gift of gratitude and how you can have more of it in your life! www.laurielaursen.com