Empowered By Iron

Repairing Your Relationship with Food - Episode 137



We are back! And we are kicking things off with a highly requested topic. If you are struggling or have struggled with your relationship with food, this episode was made for you.   Sign up for the Female Strength Academy Membership & join LIVE us for our weekly seminars/podcast recordings: https://femalestrengthacademy.com/product-category/membership/   Check out our nutrition coaching: Fiercely Fueled Nutrition Coaching - Online nutrition coaching for strength and functional fitness athletes. Coached by our own Dr. Kristin Lander, DC, CISSN. Intuitive Athlete Nutrition Coaching - Online intuitive eating nutrition coaching for female strength athletes. Coached by Dr. Mary Morton, PhD, CISSN. Follow us on Instagram and tag us in your posts by using the hashtag #empoweredbyiron Join our women’s only Facebook Group: https://m.facebook.com/groups/femalestrengthacademy