Beyond Your Wildest Genes

[BYWG BEST OF…] On a Journey of Truths and Perfect Moments with Laura Foster



[BYWG BEST OF...] On a Journey of Truths and Perfect Moments with Laura Foster Laura believes that life is meant to be experienced as a journey of truths and perfect moments that edge you closer to living from the level of your soul.  We all know what truly fulfills us, despite the fact that many of us become distracted from experiencing our greatest life experience.  Laura has been an inspired Chiropractor for over 20 years and along the way she has coached and led retreats, workshops and group gatherings that have allowed her to tap into her gift of helping others find their truth and greatest sense of self.  Our soul work is our greatest work and also our most rewarding. It’s where joy, passion and inspiration reside and when we take the time to create the space and opportunity to connect with that part of ourselves, we become grounded in who we are.   Laura has an enlightened way of helping others find their way to this place in a lighthearted, fun and relaxed way.    Laura has many passions with a multi