Unchained With Becky Herdt

Stop Being So Darn Serious! ~ Guest Pia Jansson



Are you willing to stop being so serious, even inviting yourself and your body to have some fun?  Are you willing to laugh a little, or even a lot?  Out loud?? Join me and my special guest, Pia Jansson, as we talk about harnessing the energy of fun and laughter to gets your creative juices flowing - what else is truly possible if you can just show up for the party? Pia Jansson is the founder of Space 2 Play and a published author, with her second book scheduled for release on July 4th. Pia brings her vast and varied experience in business and life to the table...mixes it with your desires for change and her own sense of possibilities.  Pia is a potent creator and facilitates change for her clients in a way that is expansive and fun!  Pia's ability to tap into what's beyond the obvious allows her to create custom solutions for you, using her unique MIx N Match approach to guide and facilitate you. Would you like to access more play and step outside of any box you may currently find yourself in? Are you ready t