Unchained With Becky Herdt

You’re Not Broken ~ Guest Kim Louise Morrison



Unchained with Becky Herdt Radio Show How many places and spaces do we go to where we think, or even believe, that if only I could fix "this" then everything would be ok. What if you're not broken?  What if you don't need to be fixed?  Are you willing to let go of those limiting patterns and beliefs?  What would be possible if you truly acknowledged that you are not broken and do not need to be fixed?  What could show up as your life if you are willing to choose to be Unchained! From those lies?  Join us as we play with some simple tools with our guest, Kim Louise Morrison that will help you choose empowerment over bondage. Kim Louise Morrison is a published author, a blogger, a speaker, an intuitive empowerment coach, and a practitioner of several energetic healing modalities.  She’s also a certified Access Consciousness Bars® and Energetic Facelift Facilitator.  She has an active healing, coaching and speaking business.   Kim currently lives in London, Ontario Canada.   Get your copy of “From Black & White