21 Grams Of Soul With ~ Lynda Walsh

Our Guest Tiamo Wrote & sings The GOD IN YOU !! for all women



21 Grams of Soul with Lynda Walsh Lynda Walsh, Concierge Business Coach/ Master Hypnotist and “host of 21 Grams of Soul”radio show has guest Tiamo De Vettori L.A. Music Award's "Singer/Songwriter of the Year" San Diego's "Best Songwriter" Tiamo say’s I wrote this song called "The God In You" for ALL women. Women, do you have a voice in your head that says things you would never say to another person? If you did... That would be hurtful, painful, and perhaps even abusive, right? So, why is it ok that you say those things to yourself? Loving others starts with you, yes? MEN, do you have women in your lives that do this to themselves? Do you wish they could only revere themselves in the way t hat you revere them? I DO. That's why I wrote this song called "The God In You" for ALL women. Ladies, for just a moment, turn the voice off in your head and... Allow me to sing to you in my music video. I ask you to believe everything I sing about in this song. Because in my reality, it's true. Will you make it true for yo