It's Business ~ It's Personal ~ It's You! With Sharon Lewis

We’re All Volunteers – With Host Sharon Lewis



We live and work in a world that has been re-made in the image of how our brains have evolved. We have evolved as a species based on our ability to understand how the world works in order to survive in it. Our favourite tools to do that are rules, conclusions and judgements. As a result, We live and work in a world that favours predictability and certainty over uncertainty. However, we forgot half the story! Rules, conclusions and judgements have side effects when applied to our fellow man. Human beings accept rules and judgements only to a point. We also crave surprise play and messing around to see what happens. In the final analysis we ALL want freedom as well! Come and explore what's possible when we start to relate to one another beyond the need or requirement for rules, conclusions and judgements. What else is possible when we realize, fundamentally. We're All Volunteers.