It's Business ~ It's Personal ~ It's You! With Sharon Lewis

Just who do you think you are? When Memory and Identity get in your way.



Who ever quibbles with the age old advice from the Oracle of Delphi "Know Thyself" Who really ponders when Shakespeare reminds us, "To Thine Own Self Be True."? (I actually have a bracelet with this engraved on it! Thanks sis!) Who hasn't been admonished to "Just be yourself." or been encouraged to "Be Authentic."? Do we ever stop to question this well meaning advice? Why is it so important and is it really good advice? Is it necessary? What does it mean anyway? These are question we rarely ask. How many personality tests have you taken in your life ? What's your astrological sign? What are your values? Your principles? What's your job? What roles have you taken on? What are you good at? Not so good at? When does your identity and your memory of who you have been start to become more of a limitation than a gift? And what do you do about it when it does?