Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

5 Things to Resolve about Resolving Resolutions ~ Donnielle Carter



Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show It's now that time of year. We start looking at the past to determine the future. Specifically the future that we "need" to change. During the New Year do we make resolutions because we’d like to change something or because somewhere we were told this was the time to start a change so we look for something to change? If something doesn’t requiring change and we try to change it, it creates a ripple of unease in our universes. Any wonder why we have a problem with Resolutions? During this episode of Right Body for You you will receive tips and tricks to get clarity on what YOU desire to change if you desire to change something and how to go about it. Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stopping the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck. www.donnielle.com www.donniellecarter.accessconsciousness.com www.facebook.com/RightBodyForYouRadioShow