Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly

Breaking the Rules of Engagement! Lauren Polly’s BOOK Title



Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How were you taught to engage with the world? Were you told to be nice, polite, pleasing, and quiet? Were you taught to hold your tongue if what you had to say would upset others? Were you told to be appropriate, not to rock the boat or only speak when spoken to? These “rules of engagement” served as guidelines when we were young. Unfortunately most of us weren’t taught anything beyond this. These rules don’t allow us to grow into more expansive and creative interactions as we age and engage with others on a deeper level. They don’t allow us to show up as us. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on throwing out the rule book and reclaiming authentic communication. If you were being you how would you engage with the world?