Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly

How to Deal with Difficult People! Guest Georgina Elliott



Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  As a confidence coach who works with a wide range of people, the single issue that seems to crop up more than anything is “how do I deal with challenging people?”  Whether it be a manager or co-worker who seems to want nothing less than to make your life difficult, a teenager who has zero interest in complying with expectations, a partner or friend who you feel is taking advantage of you…all of us at various points in our lives encounter people who are not easy to deal with! Georgina offers strategies to help people firstly, to deal with their own mind- set and how they respond to challenging behavior and secondly, to develop the confidence and communication skills needed to create greater rapport (no matter how “difficult” the person is!) and resourcefully handle an array of situations.  The world is full of challenging people, but that doesn’t mean YOU have to be challenged by them! Georgina Elliott is founder of ‘The London Confidence Co