Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly

Stopping the Negative Thinking Loop ~ Guest, Dr. Adriana Popescu



Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Have you ever found yourself stuck in a negative thinking loop and can't seem to get out of it? Perhaps something along the lines of, “This sucks, I'm an idiot. I never get it right, everything's always a struggle. I'll never get over this situation...” etc. etc., ad-nauseum. I come across this issue a lot in my work with clients. A negative thinking loop can create feelings of anxiety, dread, shame, anger...basically it can make you feel like crap about yourself and your life. And when you feel like crap, what do you end up creating? More crap!  What else is possible?  And how do you stop this loop? Join Beyond Speech with host Lauren Polly and guest Dr. Adriana Popescu as they share discoveries on breaking this loop once and for all! About our guest ~ My name is Adriana Popescu and I'm a licensed clinical psychologist who has been facilitating people to overcome their challenges and lead happier lives for over 20 years.  All the tools I u