Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly

Are you Willing to be Demanded? Guest, Julia Sotas



Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Being demanded is about helping you create the future you would really like to have.  How often do you back down from your greatness in order not to be demanded of?  Does your desire for an easy, quiet life keep you living and creating smaller then you would truly like?  If you were willing to be demanded how big would you have to go? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Julia Sotas as they share discoveries on the willingness to be demanded and living your greatness. About our guest Julia Sotas: “Five years ago, when I first heard about Access Consciousness I used to scour this website for hours wondering, "What is it like to be conscious?" What type of bliss are these people experiencing? Is Access Consciousness going to get me there? Five years later I can safely say that Access has provided me with more tools, awareness, happiness and possibilities than I could have ever imagined.  The tools have