Be You Parenting With Mary Dravis-parrish

How to Help Kids Deal With Emotional Pain ~ Guest Bill Protzmann



Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Self-harm, like cutting, drugs, and alcohol are on the rise with today's youth as they struggle to express emotional pain freely and in a way that isn't harmful. Some of these children have thoughts of ending their lives out of emotional hopelessness, and some tragically do. How do we as parents help our children find ways of expressing those painful emotions in a way that doesn't do them harm? Do we know what to look for? What do we need to know so that our kids have some guardrails as they experiment and explore their feelings as to what is meaningful for them? Parents often fear expressions of emotions based on their own experiences and out of wanting to keep their kids safe they don't allow their kids to freely express what's inside. But what if we could guide our kids into genuine experience of the "negative" emotions and teach them how to choose the expression of those emotions more wisely? In doing so, we learn what is in their hearts, so that they have a stron