Work And A Life ~ Carol Glover

Is Your Life Loopy? with Carol Glover



You wake up one morning with the realization that you've done it again: you're in another bad relationship, you've picked another rotten job, another rocky business, another fight about the same thing with your parent or child - whatever it is that keeps looping in your life. Why does this keep happening? It makes you just want to go back to bed and hope you wake up in a different life. You've consulted your best friend, your therapist, your dog, your guru and they all insist that there's a lesson to be learned and if these things are repeating you just haven't learned it yet. Or worse: "you created it", "you have a limited belief", or something equally aggravating. There's no room for further question or possibilities for making it stop once and for all. To top it all off, you've now decided you're an even bigger wreck and more wrong than you already knew you were. ARUGH!!!! What if there's absolutely nothing wrong with any of it - or you? What if there's another way to make it stop once and for all? Join Ca